Utilising Technology to meet your business needs

Helping your business grow through the use of technology


Rapid Development Framework to implement your Business Requirements in minimal time

Astrolabe Enterprise's Rapid Development Framework (RDF) enables us to quickly, and easily implement your business requirements leveraging a number of in-house developed Open Source frameworks.

Solution Architecture

Solution Architecture allows you to understand how your business operates, and how technology can be utilised to support your business requirements. We have over 15 years of experience working with all sizes of organisation to deliver solution architecture designs, and roadmaps to support your business into the future.

Application Development

Astrolabe Enterprises has extensive experience delivering best of breed, modern applications for both Government Agencies and private Organisations. We utilise a number of frameworks to quickly and easily develop applications to meet your business requirements.

Mobile Development

Mobile applications allow you, and your team to have access to information anytime, anywhere. We have extensive experience providing development services for web based and native mobile applications.

Cloud services

Leveraging the cloud can assist in reducing hosting and ongoing maintenance costs. We have years of experience providing development and consulting services across a number of cloud providers including Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform.

Our Rapid Development Approach

Astrolabe Enterprises utilises a number of in-house developed frameworks to be able to quickly deliver your application with minimal risk. These frameworks minimise the development time for common items such as Permissions, Security, Viewing and Editing of Entities, and basic mobile access.

Leveraging these existing frameworks allows us to deliver a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) to your organisation in a minimal amount of time utilising tried and true technology utilised by other applications to reduce risks and issues.


Requirements Gathering and Quote

Utilising our simple to complete Requirements Template, we can easily understand your requirements at a high level. Any further requirements supplied by your business will be reviewed at this stage to provide an indicative quote for you to proceed with.


Agile MVP Development

Once the quote has been agreed to, we will undertake an initial Minimal Viable Product (MVP) implementation utilising an agile development approach. This allows us to regularly showcase the application with you during the development life cycle, and make any changes as required. At the end of this process a MVP can be deployed into production for use.


Full Application Development

Once the MVP has been developed, and reviewed by your business the remaining requirements can be implemented. Again, this will be completed in an agile development manner. At this stage we can engage a User Interface/Experience expert to assist in the layout and design of your application.


Handover and Ongoing Support

Now your application is complete and live we will complete a handover to your internal support team or we can provide ongoing support services.

Our Team

Meet the team

The Astrolabe Enterprises team each have over 12 years of development, architecture, consulting, and testing experience with a range of local, national, and global organisations. The team brings a wealth of knowledge working on projects in additional to product development capability.


Thomas Bosworth

Thomas has more than 15 years experience in the enterprise software development area working with small, medium and large clients across Tasmania and the ANZ region.


Jolse Maginnis

Jolse has over 20 years experience in software engineering, working on systems ranging from small embedded devices all the way to up highly scalable cloud platforms.


Nicholas Charles

Nicholas is an experienced software developer, tester, and designer, specialising in Java and Microsoft based web technologies. With over 10 years experience, he has worked on numerous projects delivering features aligned to release schedules and engaging directly with clients to troubleshoot and resolve critical production issues.


Using Technology to grow your business


11 Morrison Street, Hobart



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